Connection Between Rising Temperatures and Rising Crime Rates
It is always an exciting time when the seasons start to change and the weather starts getting nicer. Many like to go outside to exercise, breathe the fresh air and simply enjoy the great outdoors. Unfortunately, this warmer weather comes a cost.
According to proven studies, crime actually increases as the temperature outside increases.
Some would think only violent crimes would rise in the summer months but that is not the case. Medical Daily discusses a report, shared by The Wall Street Journal, which explains, “The report showed that rates of household property victimization, household larceny, and serious violent crimes such as rape and aggravated assault were also significantly higher in summer months.” It really is a combination of all crimes rise when the heat comes.
A question we can keep asking ourselves is, why does the Summer make criminals more active? The Medical Daily brings up an excellent observation by saying, “During the summer people tend to keep their windows open more frequently and are more likely to leave their homes unoccupied as they enjoy an array of summer activities.” This creates a perfect opportunity for people to gain access to your home and attempt a robbery.
When summer months come, there are a larger number of people out and about. CBSNEWS spoke to Curtis Davenport of the Atlanta Police Department and spoke on this topic by stating, “It just makes more sense, more people out – more crime, less people out – less crime.” With more people being outside there are more chances for interactions and for altercations to happen that could lead to potential conflicts.
Another key issue that has been correlated with more violence happening in the summer months is the fact that the heat can lead to be people being aggressive and irritated. (Source 3) A criminal psychologist at Simon Fraser University in Canada named Ehor Boyanowsky shares his studies on the National Geographic website by saying, “My own research has shown that elevated ambient temperatures lead to increased brain temperatures that result in cognitive dysfunction, emotional stress, and aggression, and to higher levels of violent crime.” The Medical Daily perfectly summarizes this issue by saying, “All this aggressive behavior can then possibly lead into aggressive crimes.”
Experiencing the season and the hot summer months can be a great time of year, but we hope you can take away some learning lessons from this article of what you need to watch out for and how to protect yourself. Be cautious when doing daily tasks such as opening your windows at home. Do not leave the windows open if you are leaving your house, as this provides a prime opportunity for someone to break into your home.